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Would you trust a doctor who did not go to medical school or does not hold a medical license? How about a dentist? A lawyer? A pharmacist?

Yet thousands upon thousands of people in Ontario use undesignated, uneducated, unlicensed and unqualified individuals holding themselves out to be tax experts.

Tax is more than a two-week course on completing a tax return. Tax is about understanding the law, what makes up the law, and how the courts do not always agree with the Canada Revenue Agency’s interpretation of the law. The only real tax experts are lawyers and professional accountants who have specialized education, training and professional credentials in tax.

The founder of the SNM Professional Corporation firm, Shaida Nazarimoghadam, is a member of the Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants and Certified General accountants with many years of client-service experience in the greater metropolitan Toronto area. She provides an innovative solution to tax, financing and business consulting in a highly personalized environment.

To learn more about our qualifications, please Contact Us.

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